
"A full-stack developer focused on modern front-end technologies, proficient in React/Vue framework architecture and performance optimization. Deeply engaged in WebGL/Three.js 3D visualization, dedicated to creating efficient and seamless interactive experiences."


Front-end Development

Experienced in front-end development with a deep understanding of React and Vue frameworks. Proficient in state management (Redux, Pinia, MobX, Zustand, Jotai, StateX) and styling tools (UnoCSS, Tailwind CSS, SASS). Familiar with Nuxt.js and Next.js, leveraging SSR, SSG, and caching for SEO optimization. Ensures high code quality and efficient project delivery.

Front-end Development


具备丰富的前端开发经验,精通 Web 开发、小程序、服务端开发及桌面端开发。深入理解 React 和 Vue 框架,并能结合 SSR、SSG 及缓存技术进行 SEO 优化。熟悉 PWA、Service Worker 及跨端开发,具备扎实的 Node.js 开发能力,并能构建跨平台桌面应用。掌握 WebGL、Three.js、GSAP、PixiJS 等可视化、3D 及动画技术。掌握 Rollup、Webpack、Vite 和 Rspack(Rsbuild)等构建工具,深入理解构建流程,如 bundle、codegen 等,并具备构建工具插件开发经验。熟练使用 ESLint、Prettier 和 Biome 等代码规范化工具,确保高效维护代码质量和一致性。熟悉 Electron 和 Tauri 等 WebUI 本地打包框架,能够高效构建桌面应用。

Back-end Development

Knowledgeable in back-end technologies such as Java and Python. Familiar with Nginx and Docker configuration and optimization. Capable of independently handling basic server deployment and maintenance, including Node.js, Python, Java, and databases like MySQL and MongoDB.

Back-end Development


熟练掌握多种后端开发语言,包括 Java(JSP、Servlet、Spring、SpringMVC、SpringBoot、MyBatis、Maven 等)、Python(Django、FastAPI、SQLAlchemy、Uvicorn、Pydantic、LangChain、Asyncpg、Aiomysql、Pymongo、Asyncio、Aiosql、Tenacity、Requests、Pytest、Loguru + Mypy 等),以及 C#(WPF、Unity 3D)。


Expertise in CI/CD pipelines including Jenkins, Zapier, GitHub Actions, and GitLab CI/CD. Experienced in configuring and optimizing Nginx, Docker, and Minio. Proficient in database technologies such as MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, and Milvus.



熟悉 CI/CD 使用,如 Jenkins、Zapier、GitHub Actions、GitLab CI/CD,熟练配置和优化 Nginx、Docker、Minio。掌握 MySQL、MongoDB、Redis、Milvus、Minio 等数据库技术。

Game Development

Experienced in Unity development, proficient in UI frameworks such as UGUI, UIToolkit, and NGUI, and capable of seamlessly integrating plugins like Magica Cloth, Rayfire, and Final Motion Matching for Unity (MMU).

Game Development


具备 Unity 开发经验,掌握 UGUI、UIToolkit、NGUI 等 UI 框架,并能够灵活集成 Magica Cloth、Rayfire、Final Motion Matching for Unity (MMU) 等插件。

Artificial Intelligence

Familiar with model training frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and Candle. Experienced in deploying and serving large models using tools like Ollama and LangChain.

Artificial Intelligence


了解 PyTorch、TensorFlow 和 Candle 等模型训练框架的使用,熟悉 Ollama 和 LangChain 等大模型部署与服务化工具。

UI / UX Design

Skilled in design tools such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Figma. Familiar with Apple Human Interface Guidelines and Material Design standards. Capable of independently designing icons and UI components.

UI / UX Design

UI / UX 设计

掌握 Adobe Illustrator、Photoshop 和 Figma 等设计工具,熟悉 Apple Human Interface Guidelines 和 Material Design 设计规范,能够独立设计图标、界面样式。




/Front-end Architecture

/WebGL & Interactive

/UI/UX Engineering

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